Personal Finance

When credit card debt becomes a relationship killer

Key Points
  • Of all household debts, Americans find credit card debt the most unacceptable in a partner, but credit card balances are creeping higher.
  • About 43 percent off all card holders carry a balance each month.
When credit card debt becomes a relationship killer
When credit card debt becomes a relationship killer

They say love is blind, but not when it comes to credit card debt.

More than 3 in 4 Americans consider too much card debt a relationship deal breaker, according to personal finance site

How much is too much? On average, the debt became unacceptable once balances topped $11,525, the site found.

Fortunately, that leaves most Americans in the clear. Although total credit card debt is creeping higher, the average consumer has a balance of $6,375, according to Experian's annual study on the state of credit and debt in America.

Currently, 43 percent of card holders carry a balance each month, the American Bankers Association said. surveyed 2,000 Americans in October to find out which types of debt are undesirable in a partner. Credit card debt came out on top, followed closely by payday loans and student debt.

In contrast, the types of debts most tolerable were business loans, home equity loans and medical bills, Finder said.

Credit Cards 101
Credit Cards 101

With money at the root of a lot of relationship stress and arguments, it's no surprise that a partner with credit issues can cause a significant strain and even a split. But that doesn't mean everyone with credit card debt is doomed romantically.

If you're in the red, you can benefit from choosing a payment strategy, weighing refinancing and assessing your budget. See the infographic below for tools to get started.

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