
People really do dread Monday mornings: Report

Jamie Grill | Getty Images

A study has pinpointed 11:17 a.m. Monday morning as the time we feel most unhappy — in case you needed proof.

Less than a quarter of respondents feel at their best before midday, while 2:35 p.m. is the happiest time of the day, according to a study of 2,000 people by British broadband and telephone provider Plusnet.

The Daily Mail originally reported the story.

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The study also highlighted the encounters that were most or least likely to brighten someone's day. Seventy-five percent of respondents saw cutting in line as the annoying behavior most likely to dampen their mood, while doing a good deed was most likely to improve one's disposition, said 47 percent of respondents.

Stumbling across a bargain, compliments from a stranger, getting a letter and being greeted by a pet also topped the study, part of an advertising campaign for Plusnet Internet services called #LovesYouBack. Another top pet peeve was when others forget to say "thank you."

In the spirit of making Mondays less dreadful, the company allows customers to nominate a colleague who brightens their day on social media with the hashtag #LovesYouBack.